(cody, matt myself & george at the kimmel ctr in philly, pa.)
a good time was had this weekend. more fun then words can express. i truly am so lucky to have such a close-knit group of guy friends that i know i can go to at anytime in need. and i needed some of that time this weekend. philadelphia was perfect. i needed a weekend away from nyc, so the location and the company were perfect.
as always, the drinks were strong, the laughter was unstopable, the dancing was dirty and the memories were everlasting. OH! i also learned a few things whilst away. let me share:
1. red suede high heels are NOT the way to go when going out.
it should be noted, that i was spending the weekend with some of the most attractive gay males nyc and philly have to offer. this of course means, i have to be on my best behavior and be dressed to the nine. hence: red suede pumps need to be bought out. normally, i am a very "skinny jeans and flats / converse" type of girl. but i have an extensive, and i mean, EXTENSIVE collection of high heels... back from the corporate and sorority days. it is disgusting how many pairs of heels i have that i have only worn once and they just sit in my closet. so for a night out with the gays, i like to bring out one of the expensive, one of a kind, barely worn heels for a whirl on the town. my collection isnt just black, brown and gray. i have prints. fuschia. neon blue. crazy crazy crazy colors and styles. as per this weekend, i thought my little white peasant top with black trim and dark skinny jeans would be PERFECT with my red suede heels. not everyone can pull off this look. luckily, i was told by both straight and gay men, i can pull it off. so off i go... hitting up the town. before we even got to dinner, the feet were killing me. suck it up. "fashion over function!" as the jo(h)n's say! i thought maybe after a few beverages, i would feel no pain. not so. dancing was torture. i am sure i must have looked like a cat that got electrocuted because i was in so much agony. when we finally left, i had to take shoes off in the middle of the road just to walk. gross. bigger question to this though: the gays always want you to look good, but what happens when you look good but cant dance because the "look good" look, hurts too much? what do they expect then?!
2. it is okay to eat.
we all feasted SO much this weekend. between cody's birthday dinner at bump, brunch at marathon (high recommend! be prepared to wait on a saturday/sunday morning!) dinner at an irish pub (with the best wings ever), brunch at another irish pub, our bodies were loaded with food and we were okay with it! not to mention a red velvet birthday cake, jp's hummus and some late night pizza. i am surprised i fit into my jeans today. youre on vacation though! plus a birthday is always reason to celebrate.
3. redbull shouldnt be mixed with champagne.
the fashionista martini at bump... sounds good, right? champagne... red bull... some other form of liqour. no. no. no. bad experience. only limit yourself to two. please.
4. on the alcohol note: rasberry lemonade from the tavern: so worth it. drink it up!
5. shopping is necessary.
the urban outfitters in center city! gorgeous! four floors of fashion and trends. the jcrew in libery place! beautiful visuals! left me breathless. the gap on the other hand!!! AWFUL! worst gap i have ever seen. disgusting! disgraceful! ugh. i picked up some new high heels (two pairs to be exact), some flip flops from jcrew (they have way cute bulldog ones for you animal lovers out there!) and a new scarf from urban. did just the right amount of damage.
6. orange ginger tea.
ginger tea has been a late night, going to sleep, beverage of choice this weekend. very good with no milk and sugar. do not keep your teabag in for too long, as it gets way too citrus-y.
and lastly.
7. it should be cody's birthday every weekend, so these moments can happen more so in my life!
love.love.love. xo.
1 comment:
Sorry about the killer heels. I still need to get some sort of black (hopefully mildly heeled) shoes for my little black dress. But I am terribly flat flooted and I've never been able to wear heels. I admire all the girls who can, but sadly, that just isn't me :(
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