saw in the heights last night with becca. after having our delicious chinese (tofo & broc + white sauce & sesame chick + broc for those inquiring minds) we were so. freakin. delighted. to. see. krysta rodriguez on the understudy board for freakin vanessa. bec & i both knew - this was going to be good.
obviously, bec and i are both spring awakening fans (who isnt these days?). i think i can say for the both of us, when krysta left the show, our hearts both broke a lot. she was completely understated as an understudy, and although she was moving onto bigger and better (hell-o dancing queen in a chorus line) it was sad to see her leave a show we loved. so having the opportunity to see that jem on stage last night, was like relighting the candle! the spark! it was such a good feeling walking into that theatre last night.
but. can we just discuss how amazing the show was? i knew i was going to like it. everyone i know has said "oh it's good! youll like it!" my dear, theatre-going friend jon fox (who has the same taste in shows as myself) said "oh, youll like it!" but it wasnt the same way he spoke to me about august: osage county or passing strange, he just seemed to make it seem, that i would like it. that was that. i wasnt going to LOVE it, i was just going to LIKE it. i was okay with just liking it. i wanted to see it before tony madness and before things get crazy. (with 11 noms, it's bound to sweep, although i am rooting whole heartedly for passing strange, since it's obviously the little musical that CAN). anyways. long story short...
I. LOVED. IT. hands down. want to marry it. thought it was amazing. cried, laughed and wished i was from the DR or PR the entire time. want an abuela RIGHT NOW to remind me of my roots. it was amazing. and krysta?! let me not get into my girl-crush on her. that voice, that 'tude, that look, she's freakin got it and needs to own that role, right freakin now. i am clearly fangirling all things krysta right now, but dude, she freakin deserves it. blew me away. she is a powerhouse!
it was a magical experience. becca and i always have wonderous theatre dates, but i think it will take something good to beat our in the heights experience, and i have a feeling, mary poppins wont be cuttin' it.
(and ps: finally seeing paris and being reunited with my stef, so wonderful!)
1 comment:
i am so. so. so. jealous.
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