george - well, for starters, as everyone states, he is my other half. where there is a george, there is a melissa. we think alike, talk alike and act alike. a look between us, says a zillion words. but more importantly, george keeps me on my a-game in the fitness sector. because of him and his daily motivation, i run everyday and blast my biceps. he keeps me healthy, and we have healthy dinner dates, complete with two bottles of red wine. hey, they say red wine is healthy, didnt they? and of course, let's all thank george for the neon pink stilettos that sit in my closet, and for being there. always.
cody - i am allowed to say this, but cody gets the "thank you for being hot" award. due to him, i have experienced many free drinks and stares when i am with him. he is gorgeous. because of his looks, he keeps me looking good. he tells me when i need to "apply lipgloss" and when i "uhhh... you need to not wear flats and put on heels. i dont go out with girls in flats". he fixes me.
matty - he is everything you could want in a man! he is gorgeous, super intelligent, artsy and appreciates art, home cooking and he is one of the most talented photographers i have ever had to the chance to meet. not just this, but he cuddles with me! he expands my knowledge with tv shows such as, the history of the potato chip and the history of the pickle... and he also loves his champagne. without him, i would be in a pickle. cuddle monkey. matty is also my reason for my deep love for feist, deepak and scientific literature.
jonathan - not only does he date my beautiful george, but he also dates me. and he gets me into invite-only, posh lounges in gramercy, where mary kate olsen and elijah wood hang out. we are a bad influence on one another, and the outcome is usually us feeding each other vodka. good vodka, at that.
dom - for making out with me when drinks are consumed.
aaron - for letting me be his stand-in girlfriend when he gets hit on. AND for telling me a good jewish joke and for being a sarcastic bitch. he teaches me everything i need to know. "get me a beer... please." enough said.
philly chris - for bringing the word "girl" into my daily life. "hey girl, great job on that paper for dr owens!" really, the word is too much.
jp - he gets thrown in here because his apartment is my dream apartment. a freggin artist who works in finance that clearly needs to be an interior designer. plus, he is gorgeous and has the body of steel.
eric - for teaching me to "lock it" in the bathroom. always.
my gap boys - too many to name, but they are all my personal stylists. they are cody's in training, but in my face, everyday.
but. more importantly... they all need to be thanked for bringing this into my life:
i cant even pretend this is a secret obsession, because i am in love. i will admit it:
i am obsessed with girl talk.
i cant get enough! it doesnt even make sense, considering my music style. each person above, is in love with girl talk, and has bought this love into my life. i honestly sit at work sometimes and say "man, i wish i could listen to girl talk right now!" i drive home from work, half getting myself into car accidents because i have to search for the girl talk album. it has become a part of my life, along with a collection of short dresses, high heels, work out magazines, vodka, locking it, a strong sense of self, and a lifetime of friendships.
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