today is beautiful. (everyday is beautiful). i awoke early for an off-peak train to brooklyn. how i have missed that neighborhood. first stop was brooklyn heights for some work-related things, where once i was finished, i ate a delicious piece of pizza from tony's pizzeria on fulton street. (indulge indulge indulge!). made a new friend while eating my pizza. an elderly man who was eating ding dongs and reading the new york times. we shared the paper (me: the arts section. him: travel) and discussed the weather. when a gust of wind came and took away his napkins to liter the street, he ran after them. a man of my heart. saying our goodbyes, he gave me his treasured santa teresia a jesu infante prayer card, that he keeps in his shirt pocket. (folded. perfectly. worn-in.) for good luck and well wishes.
i then skipped my way to williamsburg, to do as any person would do. book shop. purchased some vintage style books which i am ready to dust off and add to my collection. looked at art. thought about purchasing a zillion scarves but stopped myself. (resistance). called my grandmother (my mama) and upon hearing my voice, she cried. as we were hanging up she said "hearing from you today is the highlight of my day! forget that! my weekend! i love you! you make me so proud!" hung up the phone in tears. she is the highlight of my LIFE. not just today or my weekend. my life. why is life so good to me? lately i have been filled with love, hope and creative energy. i am dancing on cloud 9. what makes you dance on cloud 9?
icing on the cake: george comes home tonight. :)
1 comment:
Really? You think Brooklyn is a neighborhood? Not a county? Or a borough? A neighborhood? Okay.
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