seven years ago to this day, our world changed as we know it. seven years ago, i sat with my grandmother, a cold birthday dinner, and cried in her arms. i stayed up all night, afraid to sleep, because i wasn't sure what i could expect. going to school in the morning, the air was different. the faint scent of burning bodies was all around us. eyes were bloodshot. hallways were silent. the skyline from my beach was filled with smoke and flames. life was going to be different. especially life in new york.
seven years later, life is different. i am fortunte to still be here, with myself and my family by my side. my uncle, an nypd, went missing, but he was later found. alive. tramatized, but alive. my eyes have seen terrorism at it's worst, my eyes have experienced a war, yet i still try and find the hope. the courage. the peace. the beauty. and the love in all of this.
today i am grateful. i live in a country where my freedom is free. i am a woman and i am able to work, get an education and marry who i please. i am not afraid to be who i am, or to speak my mind. i have freedom. i am independent. it's hard to say what life will be for my children, but i hope it's gentle. i hope they never have to experience the horror that came crashing into my life on september 11, 2001. my perfect world was hit with a something too close to home. in my own backyard, there was a war right before my eyes. hate was plastered everywhere i looked, read and breathe. i can only pray, have hope and faith that things are not like this for them. i hope they can look back on september 11, 2001, and see all the good that has come from it. the coming together. the support. the charity. the need for hope, prayer and saying 'thank you'.
although it is cliche, today is my day to share my upmost love and graitude for everyone in my life. although i may never say it, i am truly blessed by every person who is reading this right now. without all of you in my life, i wouldnt be who i am or where i am today. we should all take time to thank those in our life, and realize that we should never take them for granted. and not just on september 11, but everyday.
today is a reminder that we should look around and remember that so many individuals lost mothers, fathers, brothers, daughters, sons, sisters, cousins, friends and soulmates, all because of an act of hate. we need to take the words they wish they said to their beloved ones that morning as they left their homes, and tell them to our loved ones every night. we need to let go of the anger, hostility and give a hug, be thankful and let go. & more importantly, we need to be there for another. stranger or friend, let's be there. let's show some compassion and respect.
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