below are two videos i think everyone needs to watch, and learn from. dr. randy pausch is a professor who gave his 'last lecture' at carnegie mellon this past fall. randy is dying from pancreatic cancer. instead of talking about his cancer and what he wishes he could accomplish, he speaks about what he did accomplish. he celebrates life each day, and celebrates the chance that he was able to live a life, he always dreamed of. he doesnt dwell on the past. he has no regrets. he lives for today. he is truly such a mentor in today's society, and his story is so inspirational and has touched not just my heart, but so many others. he is a legend.
his last lecture (revised from when he was on oprah):
his full last lecture:
"i only gave this lecture for three people, and when they're older. theyll watch it"
i would be absolutely lying if i said i didnt have dry eyes right now. i am so awe-stricken. it's people like him, who truly make a difference in today's world. we all need people like him. we all need to lead by example. kudos to this beautiful, geniune individual, who will never be forgotten for his courage, words and advice.
Oh I'm so glad you watched it!! Beautiful, right?
I have his book....bought it the day it came out. i read it one allready. lemme know i you want to borrow it. he was also on a speial 20/20 with Diane Sawyer a few weeks ago.
-- teresa
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