however. all good things come back into my life sooner then later. i made no hesitations to pick up 'easy tiger' when it was relased. gave it a few listens. moved on. whatever. good album ryan adams, now let me focus on other things. apparently that is what my mind said. my dear friend stef on the other hand, IS ryan adams. she is all about him which has caused me to fall back into my ryan adams love.
easy tiger makes me so happy and proud. proud to see how he has (somewhat) straightened up his messy life, and happy because it is a reminder of so many good memories i have had with his words and his music. ive never stopped supporting him, but i needed a push from someone, to give him a better listen and some more love that he truly deserves.
lately though, between his old and current lyrics... and his blog... and his words... he has been speaking straight from my heart. so, thank you, ryan adams, for being true. or staying real. and for saying it how it is.
Keep Making Art,
and when you get tired; eat,
and/ or watch movies, every kind
make tea and then Keep Making Art.
That Will Keep You From Becoming
- You Know-
those people
who could, but don't
and know there is nothing left for them
them, the terrible them
that tear down the ones
on the dream
because you and me kid,
we were made of that stuff
and were born to dream,
even sometimes
for "them"
- ryan adams.
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