Monday, December 22, 2008

Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not on this earth for eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.

life's been a little hairy lately. hairy in a beautiful way, but still hairy, none the less. my days are packed with christmas goodness at work ['wait, you guys sing carols at work?!' -allison], and then wrapping up christmas goodness at home (pun intended). lots of crafting, lots of creating, and lots of good times wrapped into my favourite time of the year.

my semester is settled. still anxious for a grade, and fingers & pinky toes crossed that it's a good one. smiling at the fact that in a year, i will be able to diagnose various individuals (!!!) and have another degree under my belt. loving that i will have two degrees to fall back on - journalism / adv /pr and soon, psychotherapy. not related at all, but my favourite things are perhaps the mind and writing. so it makes sense to me.

always smiling. always.

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