Wednesday, July 22, 2009

holy meows

i have two new kitties that are quite ridiculous. i believe i have been spamming/pimping them out moreso on twitter (for shea's sake, she is very anti-kitties but pro melissa's blog). they are like two babies. always needing, getting into trouble and fighting. brotherly love, i suppose. their names are mr. darcy (he is mine, named after jane austen's finest novel. he's the orange tabby) and cleo (he is zan's egyptian kitty. gorgeous). they run around at crazy hours of the night but are love bugs.

life is GOOD. like that bumper sticker. that logo. with the stick figure. you know? hectic, humid, hot but sweet, none the less. this past weekend, my best friend from college came to nyc and SURPRISED me. i almost cried when he told me. he arrived on friday around six pm, where we went straight to margaritaville and then to the beer garden. stumbled home at 4 am only to wake up bright and early for brunch. he is a class act.

this weekend i am getting (yet some more) rest & relaxation as i head to my family's abode on fire island. just the girls. aunts and younger cousins. margaritas (well, for the aunts and this chick), sand, dancing, laughing and bonding. they are sweet. this fall, my grandparents celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. can you believe it?! and it's hippie themed. can you believe THAT!? they are so sweet. without them, there would be none of this. i am forever grateful to be their golden child. they inspire me.

i am anxious for fall (already). zan and i have tickets to see ingrid michaelson and a little after that ~ tim-bo and his super sweet girlfriend and i have tickets for the avett brothers. there's nothin like seeing that band with your family and some dark brews. while wearing plaid. and prepping for a halloween party.
(can you tell autumn is my favourite season?)

that's that. for now.


marie said...

yey halloween party!!!!!!! do it~do it~ do it~ i LOVE LOVE LOVE halloween. its on a saturday this year.

Katlyn said...

hippie themed?! I want an invite. I will so deliver on a hippie theme.