Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i started reading a copy from the library, and then found the same brilliant book at barnes and noble for $5. five freggin dollars. grabbed it up and will not let go. blue van meer follows me in my dreams.

i saw 'body of lies' this evening (ready for another bargain -- for free! thank you farmingdale library for free passes. see, sometimes it does pay to be a huge book worm). i left the movie with my jaw to the ground and the notion that: i am terribly spooked by the c.i.a. right now. they could be reading this right now and i am not afraid to admit, i am in amazement of what they are (and at times, are not) capable of, in a very peculiar way.

i am getting my hair (chopped off) on thursday. by chopped off, i really mean a GOOD, healthy trim. more layers and my bangs will be back. bangin' away. i cant wait. 

oh by the way, did you register to vote yet? only a few more days... let your voice be heard. please.

1 comment:

Mich said...

Are we the same person? I literally just bought this book last week.