Thursday, November 13, 2008

nov 13 : world kindness day.

the purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion; and realize we are citizens of the world. as world citizens we have a commonality, and must realize that if progress is to be made in human relations and endeavours, if we are to achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence, we must focus on what we have in common. when we find likenesses we begin to experience empathy, and in such a state we can fully relate to that person or those people. while we may think of people from other cultures as being ‘different’ when we compare them with our own customs and beliefs, it doesn’t mean that we are any better than they are. when we become friends with someone from a different culture we discover that despite some obvious differences, there are many similarities.

we can be co-creators of a better world, and we can have a positive effect on world peace, when we bring order into our lives. be what you want the world to be. is that difficult? only if you think it is! when we accept the reality that we can create positive change, we move beyond ourselves, our limitations, our doubts, and realize our infinite power. 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has".

ten ways to spread kindness:

1. Leave something special on the neighbor's doorstep. Flowers, a baked good, an invitation to share a meal or a dessert.
2. Make someone's bed. A parent, a brother/sister or roommate. Then spray the room with lavender.
3. Make a contribution toward a charity/cause close to your heart. Change and one dollar bills from piggy banks count too.
4. Write a thank you or draw a picture for someone you love. Tell them what you love about them and thank them for being themselves.
5. Pay the toll for the car behind you or swipe your metrocard for a stranger.
6. Pick up some trash. Even in the hallway at work.
7. Make Hope Notes together as a family and spread them all over your city or town for complete strangers.
8. Try to smile at 10 people today.
9. Visit a grandparent or elderly friend.
10. Start an Acts of Kindness list.


Amelia said...

it's a shame more people don't adhere to this. There is an epidemic of selfishness that is spreading rapidly, and it's quite unfortunate.

Sho said...

melissa I try to smile at strangers in the subway but then all they do is transfer to the express at the next stop :(