Saturday, February 28, 2009

everything is amazing and no one is happy.

last weekend i had to give a chat to some teens about greed (one of the seven deadly sins). being the ex-advertising/marketing guru i once was, i was so happy to do this talk. discuss how the media unconsciously tells us what items we need to wear and what we need to do to fit into society's molds of us.
for those of you who know me, i barely buy into the media. for starters, i know the tricks. i maybe a hypocrite by working in the field, but i now know how to make people want things, without even realizing they want it. by knowing this trick, i stop myself from buying in. yes, i do have guilty pleasures (versace, betsey johnson, m.kors & kiehl's are just some of my "must-have's in life). but for the most part, i dont buy into what that commerical tells me to buy. i stop myself.
i know that the best posession in life is not going to be my $300 sunglasses, but rather, my 90 year old grandfather. my best friend for 24 years. my aunts. my cousin's babies. my kitty. you. professors who have changed my life. books. hand-written letters. those simple things that everyone takes for granted. the things that you forget about because you're too self-absorbed in your iPhone.

i came across this conan clip and felt compelled to share. i wish i had this precious jem whilst doing my talk last weekend:

i think our generation and younger generations are just a pitfall. i am lucky to have been raised by my grandparents where i get it. i know the hardships they went through in life, so i know to practice my patience and look back on what life once was. but kids - they dont know this. they come from parents who sleep with their blackberries, go to their sports events/award ceremonies and never get off their blackberries, and parents who want everything right then and there. what example does this set for kids today? they are spoiled rotten brats. have you ever gone shopping and seen a crazy child throw a tantrum because they werent allowed to get that $100 toy? it's absolutely crazy! i am so nervous for when my generation begins popping kids, or more nervous for when the "tweens" start having kids. they come from a day & age where they are born with cell phones basically attached to their ear as they exit the womb and there is no escaping it. you know how a genie can come and grant everyone a wish? normally everyone days "one million dollars!". me? i just want everyone to stop. for a few minutes. look around you - and love what you have. stop wanting, and take what you have - make the most of it - and be happy.

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