Saturday, February 7, 2009

weekend updates

i like having weekends that are busy-bee like until the spring. winter is a drag, especially this winter. always so chilly and the wind doesnt help. i swear, i feel as though it is always ten degrees cooler in the city then back on peaceful long island.

i had my first "mini house warming" last night and it was beautiful. three of my favourites and a bottle of yellowtail and taco dip. a warm home and with smiling faces. tonight eric will be arriving with yet another bottle of wine, and we will explore the neighborhood, eat at a new resturant and play catch up.

next weekend i leave new york (finally!) for a nice ski weekend in pennsylvania. just in time for the weekend of love and conversation hearts. my favourite. ALSO! if anyone is in town, i urge you to check out a dear friend of mine, as he is playing rockwood, 5 pm on valentines day eve. romantic, in a very eerie, strange way. but he is a delight with a chunk of gorgeous new music that moves my heart.

the following weekend, a very much needed and exciting retreat with my teens. i have been working with this youth group for two and a half years, and it's sad to think this will be my last retreat with them. retreats were always something i looked so forward to when i was a teen, and to be able to do them as a young woman is just, well, lucky. i get so much out of it for myself as the teens get out of it for them. it's going to be a very difficult goodbye, both for my personally, and for the teens. they have impacted me, made me realize what i want to do with my life (well, in a way) and have never failed to make my smile. my favourite batch of teens has already entered college, and it's so wonderful to really watch them grow. to remember them during their awkward stage and to see them now in college. it's crazy. getting older, freakin crazy.

then, upon returning from retreat, that sunday, i get to see only my favourite, ryan adams and the cardinals in jersey. sigh.

what seems like is forever away, i scored tickets back in october for west side story, on broadway (!!!!!!!). it's the first weekend of previews, and i always heart previews so much more, less hype, more real, more excitement. i got tickets for teresa for her 26th birthday, so i have been counting down for months. literally.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

melissa, you're awesome.
Just saying.