Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i am still here. catching up on real life, emails, phone calls and getting back into a normal routine. last week was emotionally draining, and i almost feel emotion-less. to this day, i am drained. slacking. lacking. missing. but in the midst, i am reflecting. on my watch. at my own pace. in silence, in noise, during yoga, during a run, i am being. minding over him and making sure he stays afloat. not asking why, but knowing that things do happen for every reason, and ill be damned if i let that boy feel any differently and go through any more pain. that's that.

1 comment:

Lilia said...

Obviously I am not close enough to know what you are going through right now... but I do know that you are going through some very hard times... I'll keep you in my prayers... and the boy... that he feels no more pain.