Tuesday, June 16, 2009

so you think you can -

i am normally NOT a sucker for tv. of course, being that i have tv AND a fancy dvr in my apartment, i am a sucker to a zillion cooking shows, a zillion HGTV shows, a zillion tlc shows (the little couple! adorable), a zillion history channel shows, ace of cakes (personal favorite) and my newest guilty pleasure - so you think you can dance.

and this guy. he's the reason why.

(2008 audition)

(2009 audition)

when i first saw his 2009 audition, i had chills all over my body and was a sobbing mess. he makes it look so easy, but he puts so much emotion into every move. every step is taken with care, love and thought. brandon bryant. he blows my mind. he gives me inspiration to dust off my modern dance textbooks and break out some new routines.

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