Tuesday, April 28, 2009


can you all believe this weather we are having? blows my little exploding mind!

today, during work, shea and i dropped off what seemed like a zillion hand knit/crochet quilts our olds made for the babies in need. yes, on the hottest day of the year. via subway. oy vey. all for a good cause, but in this heat! mama mia. we came back into our office, pumped the AC and settled into a heat coma.

tonight i am going to give my best, g., some TLC in his tiny yet quaint manhattan apartment. we're going to have cold pasta salad and enjoy some bellini's. peach. strawberry. pear. yum yum yum. possibly some gelato and cute boy watching. did you all hear about those crazy low-riding jets yesterday? i am sure (those of you who know me) can imagine g's response. let's just say - his main concern while being evacuated was what he was going to order for lunch. figures.

i am ready for the semester to settle down. three more papers, one more exam, one oral presentation. i can do it. i know i can. keep pushing. this summer i am taking more courses, which does NOT make me happy, but i know it must get done.
i can do it. i can do it. i can do it.

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