Saturday, August 23, 2008


i am the new owner of something not only patent leather, but it's also a deep turquoise colour from coach. three of my favourite things. george knows me all too well.

tonight was my fondue birthday party, and i wish i had a photo to capture all of the love. in attendance were becca, rachel (who got me a MUTTS tshirt! yes yes yes!), kayla (with beautiful earrings she made herself!), jennifer and the birthday boy himself, kavin. we bathed ourselves in cheese and chocolate fondues and although i drowned myself in carbs and calories, so very worth it. i ate like a little kid and dripped chocolate all over myself, my hair, my water and the table. birthdays are all about indulging. i dove right in. perfect!

afterwards i picked up my city bug (george) and we went out to celebrate to janeen's birthday. where i was blessed with his presence and presents. he never fails to surprise me. tomorrow we hit up (did i really just use that phrase?) the beer garden in astoria. perfect way to end the summer. and only the most magical place on earth. all sorts of great people will be stopping by, and i cant wait to embrace them all.

in other (beer related) news: thinking about hitting up the brooklyn brewery in williamsburg the weekend after labor day with george for a tour. this just shows how classy i am, and my ridiculous love for blueberry ale.

life is good. the past week has been too good. too perfect.

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