Friday, June 6, 2008

emily haines and the soft skeleton:

i cant get enough of emily haines & the soft skeleton. my dear relative in california and i often make mix cds for one another (i share a bit of new york with him and he shares a bit of san fransisco with me) and he made me one with one emily haines & the skeleton song (our hell was the song, for those inquiring minds) and i needed more! she is genius. remember my love for rilo kiley? totally out the window right now. rilo who? i cant believe the aforementioned relative was even capable of discovering something so beautiful and something so me! normally i am giving him the epic bands and he is literally sending me elijah wood singing 'the puppet master'.

it brings tears to my eyes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay i love emily haines! i used to listen to that cd for months straight! <3