Sunday, June 15, 2008

rain rain rain rain, everywhere

yesterday i did the nuttiest thing. i stood in the POURING RAIN, with thunder and lightening, to see vampire weekend take the summerstage in central park. and can i just tell you something? it was so worth it. i have never in my life had so much fun before. everything and everyone was soaked. no one cared about umbrellas anymore. we were all covered in mud and filthy, but all sharing so much love and support for some pretty fly guys from new york city. they were amazing. and people traveled from all over to see them, and suffice to say, everyone agreed it was a trip well worth it.
i was (and still am), bloody, bruised, dirty, sore, wet, a mess, and had the best. time. ever. i danced my heart out in the pouring rain with four of my best friends, and would do it over and over and over again. the smiles on our faces were endless.

i tried to find a video to show the rain, but no avail. it was literally pouring the hardest as soon as vamp wkend took the stage. i havent seen it rain that hard in a long time! figures. but my friends, this was glorious. and if you know me, you know i hate rain. but them. this. so worth it. i wish it was vamp wkend, everyweekend! i cannot rave about the great time we had, and how freakin good those guys sounded. i have a new love. move over weezer, let the weekend of vampires take over!

(and i hope this video settles your hearts.)

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