Wednesday, September 24, 2008

car rides

i happen to drive to and from astoria during peak rush hour times, so needless to say, shea and i waste a lot of time in our cars. we are very go green(!) and car pool (obviously), but sometimes we spend so much time sitting in traffic we go crazy. (like the time we were in tears because shea stuck her finger in my applesauce). we have both developed a strong dislike (or possibly hate in my case) for the way motorcyclists drive and weave inbetween cars (it is a death trap), the way the police put on their flashers just to get through a red light (why cant they just be like everyone else? and why do they get to drive on their cell phones but we get tickets for it?), the obnoxious garbage men in astoria and the really obnoxious 'no left turn between 7am-10am' signs plastered ALL OVER astoria, as well. but at the same time, we both have a killer time listening to a cd twice through (that's how long it takes us to get to work), the smell near the airport, people watching through cars, and for lorna doodles on the car ride home.

anyway! today, shea had off from work so i drove into work alone. melissa sitting in rush hour traffic is another term for melissa going through every mix cd in her car. alone. i apparently decided that i was going to pick up chunk of mix cd's i found in my backseat, that are unlabeled, which all happen to be the mix cd's cody and i made a month or so before we graduated lock haven u. some of the songs were so ridiculous, that i was non stop texting philly and delaware with ridiculous lyrics and memories. we must have made a collection of 'the best of college mix' because every song we have ever sung, were on these cd's. ridiculous. they had me cackling in my car at 7:30 this morning.

college was a breeze compared to grad school. grad school is another term for 'youre going to spend $50K in two years just to write paper after paper after paper'. i miss undergrad so very much. i miss living with my best friends and decorating our apartment for holidays, i miss wine nights and fancy dinner parties, i miss going to class and people watching on campus, i miss getting a school paper and i even miss the cafeteria! i think i took for granted everything my undergrad had to offer, and i realized this when i went to a commuter grad school. a school in the middle of the city with no true campus, just sidewalks, a parking lot and a little outside patio. i have developed some good friends in my program, but nothing and no one compares with the undergrad group. those people and those four years, priceless.

in other news: i have this sick obsession with caramel apples. for our first day of autumn party at work on monday, i bought this caramel dip for fruit. easily i became in love. i was craving it all day yesterday, and ate some more today. on the way home, it was all i could think about. caramel and apples. caramel and apples. today, on my way home, although utterly exhausted and excited to welcome my gramma home from the hospital, i stopped and picked up more apples and *drumroll* a CARAMEL & CHOCOLATE dip! combined! oh lordie.

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